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Lewis Wilson
Born in Georgia
37 years
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darra wilson Our Boy is a U.S. Marine!!! November 8, 2022
Well he did it!!!!!. He is a proud U.S Marine. He is an amzing young man with determination and the drive to make anything happen. He did amazing in the 13 weeks of bootcamp and made it look easy. On his 10 day leave he showed me we have done an outstanding job. He still has alot of growing up to do. But he will and he will surprise me with every turn. I know you would be as incredibly proud of him as we are. Thank you again for making me his mother. I am forever in your debt for that. He has shown me what true love is and what I was put on this earth for.
darra wilson He DID IT!!! September 13, 2022
Well here he is..... He graduated and within a few short months he left for boot camp.he is in week 6 of his training and only 7 more to go. He is doing so well and We couldnt be more proud of him He is amazing Randy...you would be as pround of this young man as we are. He perseveres in everything he does. He is definetly a handful but i wouldnt change a thing. He is going to be a phenominal man and work hard and accomplish anything he puts his mind too. It has been hard to let him go. But i know he will be awesome. Thank you for making me his momma and letting me raise such a beautiful soul...
Darra He's graduating!!!!! May 5, 2022
Well the day is approaching so fast..Hes Graduating!!!!I cant begin to explain the journey weve been on. But after all the tears, the arguements and all the joy. Hes finally doing what i always wanted for him to do. Its been a tough one but he did it. I know you would be so proud of the man he is becoming. He is still a pain in the butt, but he is perfect in my eyes. Hes still my lil hero even on the days i want to cry , scream and strangle him. He is becoming the man I knew he could be, and making us proud with every thing he sets his mind to. Ive watched him grow. Ive watched him fall. Ive watched him get back up everytime. And i will watch him go out into this big world and conquer.!!!!
Thank you for making me his mother. For that i am truely grateful.
Brittany Merry Christmas December 26, 2021
Merry Christmas Uncle Randy!! Missing you extra hard today! I love you so much 
Brittany Merry Christmas December 26, 2021
Merry Christmas Uncle Randy!! Missing you extra hard today! I love you so much 
Darra He's 17!!!!!! August 16, 2021
Omg...he's 17 today. You would be just as shocked as I am right now. He's doing so good. He's on track to be aarine in a little less than a year. He's been in JROTC all 4 years of high school and doing great. I know you would as proud of him as I am. We have our days when I think I might just have to strangle him. But he's just a younger version if us. I still wonder the what ifs and how you would be with him. But we make the best of everything. Miss ya and love ya.
darra wilson Hes 15!!!! August 16, 2019
Here he is another year older...i cant believe it...he is 15 today and acts just like me...he argues and makes sure he is heard...lol.  You would be so proud of the man he is becoming..he is so incredibly smart. He just doesnt know it..haha. He has so many plans and dreams for his future and i cant wait to see where he goes and what he accomplishes...we muss you and have done the best we could and hope you would be proud.
darra wilson Be still my heart September 13, 2018
Well here he is in all his glory...hes 14 already and growing so fast...hes got your attitude...your looks and great big heart...he is finally starting to ask about you and is generally curious to know about you...ive been waiting for that day..so i can make sure he knows how much you loved him and how much he changed our lives...I am so thankful to be his mother and i owe all that to you...we miss you so much..and love you dearly...
Darra Hes growing up right in front of me September 8, 2017
Well...hes taller than me...his voice is changing...he has your attitude...and he loves to make me crazy. But our boy is growing up. Hes in 8th grade already and being the lazy teenager with everything...lol i hope you would be proud...he loves his momma and (sometimes) shows me the man hes growing into. I still wonder about the what ifs. But doing everything i can to make sure hes lived and knows it. We miss and love you everyday and continue to make you proud of the life you taught me to lead.
mom angel wings September 12, 2016
i cant really type for the tears but just saying dRRA HAS DONE SUCH A GOOD JOB RAISING JUSTIN HE LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE U AND ACTS EVEN MORE LIKE U HE IS HIS FATHERS SON RANDY I CANT BEGING TO TELL U  HOW MUCH WE MISS U LOVE U EVERY Day talk to u daily cant wait to see u on the other side untill then miss u my son
darra wilson Hes growing FAST!!!!!!! September 12, 2016
Can you believe our little fathead is 12!!!!!
 It still seems like yesterday you were here spoiling him rotten. He is starting to look more and more like you everyday. He definetly has your attitude. And strong personality.
Dont mind this pic..hes not a big fan of having his pics taken...lol...He is maturing and growing into a beautiful soul. He is such a good big brother and son. I am so proud that I was chosen to be his mommy. We miss you and love you so much. I cant believe tomorrow will be 10 years youve been gone. I hope we are making you proud. I have tried to make sure he is loved as much as possible so he knows how much he is loved by you. I tell him stories now and then of the bond you guys had. I just hope he understands how amazing it was!!!
darra 6th grade!!!!! September 12, 2015
Wow...9 years already. Still seems like yesterday. Well he’s in 6th grade and approaching teenager status already. He reminds me so much of you (attitude and all). He’s a character I promise. He is growing up so fast. I can’t help but to still wonder what it would be like if you were still here..I am positive you two would be inseparable. It hurts to know he will never truly understand or know the love you had for him. He will never know how proud you were to be his daddy. I try to tell him all the time. But it’s just not the same.
He is so smart and has such a huge personality, we have our issues sometimes. But he is definitely my heart and soul. I hope we are making you proud. And that we are doing what you would have wanted. I’ve tried so hard to teach him to be a good man. We miss you and love you so much...
darra Justins growing up..:( September 13, 2013
Here he is..Hes getting big so fast...its so hard to believe hes already 9..Im told he looks just like you...and trust me he has your hard head and attitude..hes a handful but i wopuldnt trade him for the world..I am so thankful that i have the pleasure of vbeing this boys mommy ..he is truely my heart...he has a lil brother now that he adores..they are just adorable together...hes begged me and begged me for one..lol...i am sure you would be over the moon for him and be as proud of him as I am...
Here he is..Mommys lil rocker...lol...he wanted a green mohawk for summer ..and here it is...I look at him everyday and thank you for making me his mother...i am so proud to call him my son...we have our ups and downs..but all in all i am so thankful to have him in my life...you would be so happy with the young man he is turning into...hes never met a stranger and always has everyone laughing...he truely truely is one of a kind...we love you daddy...Thank you for making me the proud parent of this unique soul!!!!
Here he is..2nd year of t ball..u would of been so happy he was a DAWG!!!!!...lol..he loves it..he is growing up so fast it seems like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital..he is quite the little chacter..he keeps me on my toes..i see so much of you in him...he is the life of the party just as you were...lol...we miss you daddy and are doin our best to make u proud...We Love You !!!!
Your little football player...I don't think he is ready for the NFL yet..But he is on his way..He loves it..He plays hard and tries his best..That's all  ask for..You would be bursting with pride if you were here..He is truly unique..He is one of a kind. He is so smart..he is gliding through school so fast..It seems like yesterday I walked him into his kindergarten class.. and now he is already in first grade!!!!! We wish you were here cheering us on..But life is only what you make of it..And we are making the life I am proud of..We love you Daddy and miss you tons!!!!
Well here he is..Your little T ball player. He loves it most days, but some he justs wants to nap...lol..I am so proud of him. He is growing up so fast you wouldnt believe it. We are doing the best we can. I wish you were here to see him. He truly is one of a kind Randy. He is so awesome. He is my heat and I am doing everything I can to raise him the way you would of wanted. He knows you are watching over him and that helps to get us through day to day. We try to live life to fullest extent and happiness is the most important thing. We know that is what you would of wanted for us. We miss you Daddy and think of you every day.. We love you!!!!!!
jimmy/randy in their prime
jimmy wilson
james a wilson
well once again i sit hear with the ga/fl game comeing up talking to you and gee dingering the game some of my best times wish we would have gone to insted just talking about it i miss you give ga a hand saterday we will need it love your borther jimmy /.
It finally came...The first day of school. It was hard doing it alone, but we did it!!!....You would of been so proud of him . He never looked back and went in there like a big boy..He loves school so far . He has had some problems with behavior but we are getting through that. He is so smart Randy. You would be so proud of him. I know I already said that but I know you would be. We miss you so much. It is hard to do these things alone. But You taught me well and made me believe in myself. Thank you for making me the woman I am today. I will continue to raise him in a way I know you would approve of. He reminds me of you so much lately. With the little faces he makes and his mannerisms. He is going to be you all over again.(watch out world)...lol..We love you big daddy and we miss you.
merry christmas

Darra Wilson
This is a picture of the happiest day in my life....I was one of the lucky ones...i found true love...i thank god and anyone who had in a hand in us coming together...the one thing in this world i always secretly wanted was to find someone who truely and honestly loved me and i found that in Randy...he always made me feel like i was the most important person in the world...i will always be his girl and i will always cherish the love we had.
the baileys
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